
July 6, 2010

Hey God.
I miss you. Can we hang out? Like all the time? :) Sometimes I can totally feel you. But right now, I feel like I have to try so hard to remember what you're like. I'm not complaining. At least I'm not trying to. And I am so grateful for all the greatness you have shown me. I am a little scared, though. I know life won't always bee this good. Trials are a comin'. I know that. Please give me the strength to come out victorious. I suppose I wasn't given my name for nothing. double negative... :( I know you are faithful and always will be.

God, I don't really know what you want with my life. I place my future in your hands. What you ask I will do. I have all these dreams and big ideas of what I would like to do. I know you give dreams for a reason, but how big is too big to dream? Everything is in your timing, my life in your hands.

God, bring me back to a place of surrender, of a need for you. I try to get by without you. The really upsetting thing is that I don't even realize it. I want you to be a part of everything I do, of every action of my day.

Thank you for creative outlets that you've given me. songwriting, piano, dance, guitar, knitting, writing, and blogging. Please show me ways to use my talents for your glory. It's all about letting others come to know you and your love. I want to share that love but I don't always know how. Help me.
I need your help everyday.
Become real and personal again.
Speak to me through your holy word.
I love you.

Victoria Audrey

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and refreshing in your transparency, Victoria! Thank you!
