
July 1, 2012

When the crocodile becomes President.

It's Sunday afternoon here. I imagine most back home would just be getting up for church. As I sit inside our mud hut, I hear the rain and the voices of some young boys nearby playing Uno, or as they call it "Huno." These boys always come by our hut asking us for the Uno cards. They just love it. (These boys are in my facebook profile pic.)

We said farewell to the second team that we have had the pleasure of being here with. The team said goodbye to everyone at church. Some of them were slightly teary after there week of being with the kids here. I thought to myself how much harder it will be for us being here a lot longer.

I wish I could share with all of you the true beauty of the people here. I was observing yesterday how beautiful their smiles are. My little friend Mercy is 11 years old. She's a bit more shy than the other girls, doesn't jump at the chance to dance, like most of the girls do, but loves singing songs. She's taught me quite a few songs, one of them is even in Acholi. It doesn't take too much to make her smile or laugh. She is just precious. I was sick one morning -I learned the lesson to not take my malaria pill first thing in the morning- and when Mercy heard from Kayla that I wasn't feeling well, she came running to my hut to see me. She also told me when she was talking with her friend Sheila, Sheila said to her, "Victoria is my best friend." "No," Mercy replied, "Victoria is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. When the crocodile becomes President, then she will be your best friend." Turns out Sheila was referring to Kayla instead of me. It was really cute. :)

1 comment:

  1. Victoria! Thanks so much for sharing this - I can't imagine all the people you are meeting and getting to work with. Praying for you friend - love you!
