I've been really enjoying my time here. Last Friday our school held a youth event called LOL, which takes place every month. I was asked to lead worship and had only 3 days to prepare and practice for it. For some reason, though, God had everything under control for how well it went. I've never really led worship for something like this before so I was nervous about how it was going to go. It went so well. There were probably 50 kids there and it was really fun for me to see them get into it and also have fun. So many people afterwards came and told me that I did a great job. Someone even said I had a gifting in leading worship. I’m almost scared to accept these compliments. Like for how easy it was to lead worship, it shouldn't have gone so well. If that makes sense? But on the other hand, leading worship is kind of one of those hidden desires that I've always wanted to do but didn't think I was qualified enough to. I’ll just have to wait on God and see where he takes music in my life. I am very grateful for the opportunity I had to lead worship for youth.
Fun experience…