
September 18, 2010

Too soon to dissect the frog

So… I think I freak out a little too easily [in reference to my last post]. Right now I love school and although have only had 2 days of classes and 1 test, I’m already comfortable with being here. God must answer prayers. I’ve been so busy just hanging out with friends. I’m really digging this dorm life. And I’ve only been here 2 nights. Okay, maybe the real problem is that I analyze things a little too quickly?

Tonight I’m heading out to a youth group that I’m a part of helping this year. I think it’s a youth group of about 40 kids...

...Just got back from youth at Solid Rock. It has been made very clear to me tonight that I do try to analyze situations too quickly. I think I changed my mind 5 times tonight whether I liked being a leader in this youth group or not. It’s hard to be a leader in a youth group I’ve never been to before.

One thing that really stood out to me was the lack of genuineness of the students. It just seemed like it was a show. I think that is something I have really taken for granted in my youth group in high school. In worship the students just kind of sang along and those on the team didn’t really seem to make it a part of personal worship for them. When it came time for the small group discussions, everyone had the right answers, but I don’t really know how personal they are with God. I overheard one girl say to another girl about how she was dressed up because she was going to the bar after youth with another guy from the youth group.

I’m not trying to say that I’m looking down on the students in the youth group. I’m just trying to point out [probably more for myself] that this might be a really good opportunity for me to share my realness with God and reach out to them in that way. I really do pray that God will be able to use me in the relationships I form with these students. Again, I need to give what I’m involved in more time before trying to dissect it. There are definitely things that stood out to me in a good way, such as the youth leader’s strong emphasis on how important your relationship with Christ is. That’s always a good thing :)

Today I’m thankful for:

New friendships

New experiences

Meeting a couple new faces at CLBI

My choir tryout- I think it went well J

First test of the year- not too hard even though I before the test I thought I should’ve studied harder

P.s. I needed a random title. I kind of like it, haha..


  1. ha ha, it sounds like you're having a great time!

  2. You will be a GREAT youth leader Victoria, and you are going to bless others with your genuine heart for GOD!
