
November 20, 2010

the eyes of Jesus

The first week in November, I took part of an experience called Urban Hike. With 20 other students, I went to Edmonton to live with the homeless for a week. We spent the week helping out in soup kitchens, wandering the streets, hanging out with the homeless people and sleeping in a church. It was a really good experience and time of learning. I was able to see first-hand the hopelessness that was portrayed in the eyes of the homeless. A lot of the people I met seemed stuck in a place that they couldn’t get out of. Some of them didn’t like the way they were living but were unwilling to do anything to change it or weren’t sure how to change. Many of them were bound by addictions.

The people that I met on the streets needed basic possessions that I often take for granted. Some that stuck out to me were: shelter, food, and relationships. For many of the people I talked with, they went to the soup kitchens every day to get meals. They couldn’t provide food for themselves. Some of them had a place to sleep at night but even then it wasn’t a very nice place to be. I observed that when these people were eating their meals, they would usually keep to themselves. It seemed to me that something they need but weren’t getting enough of was friendships.

My favorite thing about Urban Hike was the conversations I had with people who came into the soup kitchens. One conversation that a couple people and I were able to have was with Darryl. We met him while waiting in line for food at a soup kitchen. Afterwards we took him out for coffee to hear about his life story. He is about 50 years old and going through the Herb Jamison rehab program downtown Edmonton. He used to be a farmer until a couple years ago. When his wife left him and took the kids, he turned to alcohol to find relief. He spent at least 10,000 on alcohol. After he lost everything he owned, he came to the city. Soon after, he enrolled in the drug rehab program. Darryl is a very wise, theological man. He understands the value of life and had real hardships in life.

When we first sad down with our coffee at Tim Hortons, he held up a $20 bill. One of the first things Darryl did when we sat down for coffee was pull out a $20 bill. “What is this worth?” he asked us. He then began to crumple it and form it into a ball. “Is it still worth $20?” Darryl asked. “Yes, it’s still the same amount,” we responded. Darryl replied. “Just like this bill, people can’t always see that they are valued. They might be all crumpled and bruised, but that doesn’t change their value. Even when I throw this money on the ground and it gets trampled, it hasn’t lost any of its value. Many people who are living on the streets cannot see their own value. They’ve been hurt and damaged by other people or even themselves that they forget how valuable they are.” Darryl reminded me that someone on the street is not of any less value than me but is equal. They need reminder of how important they are and how valued their life is.

A lot of other things happened this week which I was able to take and learn from. We went on a rose walk, where we gave roses to prostitutes. That was definitely an interesting experience. One thing I struggled with during Urban Hike was realizing that it was not up to me to change these people. The only thing I could do that would have an impact on them was to love them. I wanted so badly for these people to find freedom in Jesus, to not be bound by their addictions or struggles. But it was not up to me to stop their addictions, get them off the streets, turn their life around or make them be a Christian. This is something that only God can do. Urban hike. I learned a lot and grew in my understanding of who God is and who he calls us to be.

October 13, 2010

Life is a journey

Life is a journey.
one that we don't always have control of
one that can make your soul take flight
one that can make your heart tear in two

Life is a journey.
not an easy one, which everybody who has lived a life worth telling knows
not one that has easy answers
maybe not even one with any answers

Life is a journey.
worth the risks and the falls, worth trying new paths,
new adventures, discovering new stories
one that can take you places beyond your comfort, beyond your desires of living
one that is harder than a simple yes or no

Take the jump, come out of the box you have made for yourself.
Say yes to this journey of life.
To the journey of life's discoveries.

September 27, 2010

It's all good

I've been really enjoying my time here. Last Friday our school held a youth event called LOL, which takes place every month. I was asked to lead worship and had only 3 days to prepare and practice for it. For some reason, though, God had everything under control for how well it went. I've never really led worship for something like this before so I was nervous about how it was going to go. It went so well. There were probably 50 kids there and it was really fun for me to see them get into it and also have fun. So many people afterwards came and told me that I did a great job. Someone even said I had a gifting in leading worship. I’m almost scared to accept these compliments. Like for how easy it was to lead worship, it shouldn't have gone so well. If that makes sense? But on the other hand, leading worship is kind of one of those hidden desires that I've always wanted to do but didn't think I was qualified enough to. I’ll just have to wait on God and see where he takes music in my life. I am very grateful for the opportunity I had to lead worship for youth.

Fun experience

September 18, 2010

Too soon to dissect the frog

So… I think I freak out a little too easily [in reference to my last post]. Right now I love school and although have only had 2 days of classes and 1 test, I’m already comfortable with being here. God must answer prayers. I’ve been so busy just hanging out with friends. I’m really digging this dorm life. And I’ve only been here 2 nights. Okay, maybe the real problem is that I analyze things a little too quickly?

Tonight I’m heading out to a youth group that I’m a part of helping this year. I think it’s a youth group of about 40 kids...

...Just got back from youth at Solid Rock. It has been made very clear to me tonight that I do try to analyze situations too quickly. I think I changed my mind 5 times tonight whether I liked being a leader in this youth group or not. It’s hard to be a leader in a youth group I’ve never been to before.

One thing that really stood out to me was the lack of genuineness of the students. It just seemed like it was a show. I think that is something I have really taken for granted in my youth group in high school. In worship the students just kind of sang along and those on the team didn’t really seem to make it a part of personal worship for them. When it came time for the small group discussions, everyone had the right answers, but I don’t really know how personal they are with God. I overheard one girl say to another girl about how she was dressed up because she was going to the bar after youth with another guy from the youth group.

I’m not trying to say that I’m looking down on the students in the youth group. I’m just trying to point out [probably more for myself] that this might be a really good opportunity for me to share my realness with God and reach out to them in that way. I really do pray that God will be able to use me in the relationships I form with these students. Again, I need to give what I’m involved in more time before trying to dissect it. There are definitely things that stood out to me in a good way, such as the youth leader’s strong emphasis on how important your relationship with Christ is. That’s always a good thing :)

Today I’m thankful for:

New friendships

New experiences

Meeting a couple new faces at CLBI

My choir tryout- I think it went well J

First test of the year- not too hard even though I before the test I thought I should’ve studied harder

P.s. I needed a random title. I kind of like it, haha..

September 15, 2010


I don't know why but I'm struggling with coming up with something to write. Maybe I should wait till I feel better. I just started feeling sick just a warm face but enough to not feel like myself.

Oh, I should probably mention that I made it to Camrose, AB on Saturday. I met up with the girls to go on the hiking trip on Sunday. I missed out on the canoe portion of the trip but was able to get in on some of the outdoor experience. It was awkward for me at first but I just tried to be as friendly as I could and tried to remember a couple names of the 40 some I met that day. Everyone was so welcoming to me, so that was a huge blessing. I was so glad to get to have good conversations with some of the girls throughout the couple days there. The last night on our trip, we all went around and shared our "story of grace." It was a really good way to be personal with each other and share our story.

Right now I feel kind of like I'm back at square one. like I don't fit in. like everyone knows each other except for me. I know this isn't true, but my blog is supposed to be honest, right? I feel like going and finding a quiet spot to read and be my introvert self. I probably just need to give it some time. I've only been on campus for a few hours.

time. time. time.

I will give it time.

September 6, 2010

I'm thankful for...

*lifelight music festival- favorite part is running into people I know. And worshiping God with thousands of other believers. I love connections.

*such an awesome group of friends and family who love me, pray for me and support me

*new CD- John Mark McMillan, who wrote "How he loves"

*sleeping in, in my own bed

*morning coffee

*finding out who my roommate is- she seems really cute and fun

September 3, 2010

if only life was...

if only life was a straight path.
with no question which direction to go
which footprints to leave
if only life was a gravel road.
easy, familiar, comfortable
no fears, no confusing signs or traffic
life is more like a winding river.
one that turns unexpectedly
speeds up and slows down
(usually when you don't want it to)
one that makes you question the destination
or how to get there.
but that's the challenge of life
to have balance
to find your way
your interests

September 2, 2010

Not my ways...

So the plan was to get to Alberta, Canada on Friday to get there before school registration which is on Saturday.

For whatever reason, God must not want me at school the first week. I can tell you I can’t wait to ask him his reasoning for this in heaven if I don’t find out in this life. Ugh, I was so looking forward to the canoe trip, which is the first week of school. And I’ll miss it. I hate passports. I hate dead end plans. I hate losing stuff all the time. Seriously, ever since I can remember, I’ve lost things. School papers, books, clothes, jewelry. You name it, I’ve probably lost it. The thing is, I usually find it exactly when I need it. I remember spending hours searching for book reports and finding them right before I was about to give up. But I always seemed to find it just in time.

Right now I’m confused.

I lost my passport that I got just a couple months ago. I remember going up the stairs with it, to bring it to my room. But now I don’t know if it actually got there of if I subconsciously set it down somewhere. Either way, I can’t find it. It gets complicated because I just realized my passport was missing the night before I was moving to school in Canada. My parents and I searched as hard and long as we could before giving up. Our only other option was to get an expedited passport which could come in 2 days. We decided to have the passport mailed to a relative in North Dakota so we could at least get a little driving in. However, we only made it as far as Grand Forks when we discovered that the passport would not come when we thought. It was a good plan except we didn’t select the correct mail option so as of now it will be another week until the passport is in my hands. And I would still have to travel there either by driving which takes 24 hours or flying, which would be a complicated because I have a lot of things to bring with me. I’ve prayed so hard that God would help me find my passport and then when that didn’t happen, that everything with the expedited passport would go through. Well neither happened. It’s frustrating.

I have to hold onto the truth that
He still is in control, even when everything seems to not be working out how we want. I’ve always been told “it’s not our ways, but God’s ways.” That’s true now, then isn’t it?

God, please tell me how I should get to school. For whatever reason, you’re holding me back. My parents and I have tried everything in our power to get to school on time, but nothing came through. Not our timing, I suppose.

Let’s take away the magnifying glass. No one's hurt. No one died. I’ll miss a week of awesome bonding time and memories at school, but I’ll still get there. (Hopefully not too many awkward moments from coming late... Hate awkward moments.)

We’re not sure how I’ll be heading to school, if I fly or we all drive. Please pray that God would show his ways to me.

“Here before your altar,
I am letting go of all I’ve held
of every motive
every burden
everything that’s of myself
and I just want to wait on you, my God
I just want to dwell on who you are
beautiful, Lord I am lost for more to say
beautiful, Oh Lord you’re beautiful to me
Here, in your presence
I am not afraid of brokenness
I just want to wait on you, my God
to dwell on who you are
-Wait patiently upon the Lord
be still, my soul, be still-”

- singer/songwriter Kari Jobe

Breaking the Jar

So this is how I bottle it up inside.

Inside my head screams. My heart tenses. My face scrunches.

But nothing happens.

I don’t know how to let it out, how to release my anger and frustration.

So I bottle it up, keep it tight inside my jar until the jar gets too full.

And then it all comes out, in fast rushing water, poured out unwillingly

How do I not let the jar get too full?

I don’t know how to deal with my own behavior.

How do I change it?

I don’t want to be this way.

I think I’ve always been this way but have only just recently noticed it.

God, I don’t like this feeling.

I’m scared of how this jar is going to explode.

I should apologize in advance to whoever receives this anger.

It seems like I don’t let it sink in until everything I’ve gotten upset about combines into one burst of rage.

I don’t know how to change.

I just know I don’t want to keep on going living this way.

August 27, 2010

summer wrap-up

It's pretty safe to say that summer is a thing of the past.
September is just around the corner.
The nights and morning are cooler.
School has started (for most students).
A sweatshirt is always nearby.

At the beginning of summer, I made a list to complete over the sunny months.
I have:
read a couple books
read the whole New Testament
learned some piano chords
memorized songs on the piano and guitar
written a song
taken pictures pretty much the whole time on a day road trip

(attempted to) listen to a whole conversation without distractions
had a couple sleepovers
almost blogged every 2 weeks
knit 3 headbands
The only thing I did not get done on my list was making an altered book, which I was really hoping to do. I did, however do some artwork that I might take with me to school and put up in my room. Maybe I'll just have to do an altered book another summer ;)
watercolor artwork- I love drawing dresses

August 16, 2010

I just had to get that out there. We had our youth group's 2nd annual outreach last night. We had free food, a band, free giveaways (some pretty sweet ones, like $100 gift cards!), a dance, and a speaker and altar call. Everything went a million times better than I could have expected. Seriously, God was there. I was involved in the dance, helping with giveaways and praying with people after they got their food. Those were all really cool things to be a part of, but the highlight of my night was the conversation I was able to have with a couple people, Mac and Heather. Just as the speaker was starting to talk, I was looking for a spot to sit down. Thank you, God, that there was no place to sit by my friends otherwise I would've missed out on this awesome time to share about Jesus. So I found a table where a couple people were sitting. I recognized the girl on my right, as the wife of a Teen Challenge graduate. So I figured that was who I was supposed to talk with. But actually, I ended up talking with the 2 people on my left.

The guy sitting next to me, Mac started saying things to himself after he didn't agree with something the speaker said. "That's not true, Jesus can't do that. Oh, I am happy enough without any of that. I've got my alcohol..." I looked over at him, "Alcohol makes you happy?" I asked him. "Yeah! Get drunk every night, sober up, then do again." "But you have to keep going back to it to be happy," I replied. "No you don't. It always makes me happy." He didn't exactly answer my question...

The speaker started saying how Jesus died on the cross for every one of us. "He did not," Mac said. "Yes he did," I told him. I looked straight into his eyes and with the words only God could have given me said, "If you were the only one here, the only one on this earth, He would've died for you. He has a plan for you. He knew that you would come here tonight." While I shared this with him, he shook his head, "He would not. And I was drug here by Heather. She said we were going to a concert. I did not want to come here. God must have something against Native Americans because He's never done anything for me."

My heart just aches knowing that inside he's dying. He says all these things will satisfy him, but I know he's not happy with the way his life has turned out. He hates his family, he said they mean nothing to him. I asked him if he's given Jesus a chance. He said yes. I asked him how. He couldn't really explain. "Jesus is the only thing, the only one, who can give you complete satisfaction," I told him. "How old are you?" he asked. I told him I was 18. "Yeah, you just wait and see." He was 24.

His friend Heather said Jesus is her savior, but she doesn't believe the Bible's true. She used to go to church, the same one as me actually, but every time the music plays she starts crying. And that's why she stopped going to church. Because she doesn't like crying in front of people. I could definitely tell she had a sensitive heart. She believed in Jesus but He wasn't first in her life. That would probably be her boyfriend. She's moving in with him in 4 days.

So I asked Mac and Heather if I could pray with them. Heather said yes, Mac said okay, a little uncertain about it. So I prayed with them. Afterwards, Heather had tears in her eyes. One of the best ways to show others the love of Christ is not by the words you say, but how you love them. I really hope that's what I did. I knew shouting Jesus name at them wouldn't do anything but push them further from wanting to know about Him. So I just loved on them. Accepted them, shared about the love I have and listened to them.

So if you're reading this right now, please say a prayer for Heather and Mac. Pray that they'll come to know Jesus as their redeemer, their Savior. That the words I spoke to them would be on their heart. I know that God planned that conversation with them last night, but pray that it has an impact on their life.Pray that a seed was planted.

psalm 17:6
I call to you, O God, for you will answer me;
give ear to me and hear my prayer.

August 11, 2010

Moving Forward

Wow. This summer has flown! I don't know why, but I'm always surprised when I start to hear about going back to school shopping, getting supplies and getting ready for the new school year. I've really enjoyed this summer. I've kind of gone all over the Midwest and then some, down to Omaha, the black hills, Minneapolis, Texas and going to different weddings. And now it's nearly coming to an end.

I start school on September 4th, at Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute. It's a bible school in Camrose, Alberta. I have a lot of family there and one of my favorite cousins is going to be there with me too. We pretty much planned going there since we were freshmen in high school :D I'm pretty excited. I'm looking forward to the community, friendships, spiritual growth, learning and experiences.

My best friends are starting to leave for school. One leaves tomorrow, and others follow the next week. I think I'm the last one to be leaving. I don't like saying goodbye. It's such a weird feeling knowing that things never will be the same. I probably won't be as close with the friends I've known throughout high school. In some ways that scares me. I'm pretty comfortable where I'm at right now. But on the other hand, I know that I have to move on. I can't stay here and miss out on what God has for me. Sometimes I think I'm more than ready to leave home, but other times I don't really want to. Ah well. I have a couple weeks to get everything packed up and I think that will help me to "be ready." Ready for school, for moving on, moving forward.

August 1, 2010

Galveston Discoveries

*i [really] like crab

*ocean water in the Gulf is really warm

*i get really sweaty in the Texas humidity and heat

*a simple prayer can have a huge impact on someone

*you can get stung by jelly fish by just swimming in the ocean

*i learned how to drywall

*PEZ can make people go crazy :)

*AC is sent from heaven

*hurricane Ike was the 3rd most destructive hurricane in the U.S. history, following Andrew and Katrina

*the HS in Galveston has a jail and daycare in the school... crazy

*hard work, like drywalling doesn't exactly show changes in the house, but it's just as necessary to get the house completed

*i love helping, playing and talking with kids, especially cute little black kids

*boogie boards are awesome

*Galveston needs prayer

We had a really wonderful week working in Galveston. Hard to get past to the heat, but at least it didn't slow us down at all. We spent our days working on houses. I drywalled the entire week while others helped finish a roof and cleaned up the yard.

We did bible clubs in the afternoon at a park. Kids around ages 4-13 joined us for games, snacks, and a bible lesson. My friend Whitney and I got to lead the bible lesson one day. It was a cool experience. We taught the kids the story of Daniel and how he continued to follow God even though he was thrown in a lions den. The kids were so cute. I asked them what they thought happened when Daniel was punished for not obeying the king and one kid replied, "He had to go to church?"

The kids were so accepting of us. It was fairly obvious how these kids yearned for attention from us, where as they might not be getting it anywhere else.

One of my favorite things about the trip was going on prayer walks. I've never done this before, so it was a new thing for me. Our group would split up into 2 groups and walk around the neighborhood and lift up the area in prayer, for salvation, for the people's homes, for safety of the town, and pretty much whatever God led us to pray for. One lady, Mrs. Scott was taking out her trash when we walked by her driveway. We started up a conversation and ended up praying for her. She was so extremely blessed that we prayed with her. She told us, " You don't know how much I needed it. Thank you guys so much. I'm going to go call my son right now and tell him I got prayer on my driveway. On my driveway!" I am so glad we could be used by God to touch her life. Definitely one of my highlights of the trip.

Another really cool thing we did on this trip was "Drive by prayer." We gave free meals to people driving or walking by and then would ask if we could pray with them. I know a lot of people were thankful not only for the food, but also for the prayers. While we were ministering to the people there, someone noticed a piece of a rainbow directly above us. I got goosebumps. It was almost like God's sign to us.

All in all, a very good, yet challenging trip. I wasn't expecting the intensity of the heat, but also wasn't expecting the difference connections I made while working in Galveston. Thanks for all your prayers and remembering our team while we were working!

July 16, 2010

Guess what?
I'm going on a mission trip to Galveston, Texas tomorrow! I'm heading with my youth group to do ministry work by doing hurricane relief and a VBS-like program. I'm trying to get excited, but I don't really feel like I'm going on a mission trip. Hopefully when we get there, the excitement will kick in. If you're reading this, you could definitely pray for our group as we're working down there for the next week. Pray for our safety as we travel the 18 hours from SoDak to Texas and spend the week working on houses. Pray for unity within our team, that we would get to know each other better and each come back with a life-changing experience.

So far, on my summer to-do-list, I'm doing pretty decent. I've read a book, finished reading the New Testament, learned "the call" by Regina Spektor on piano, had a sleepover, knit a headband AND blogged once every 2 weeks (at least as of now). I feel pretty good. Maybe I'll have to write a bigger list next time.

Still on my list to do this summer is dance, write a song, learn more chords on the piano, and listen to one conversation without distractions. Blogging every 2 weeks is kind of a continuous one, so that's not completely off the list...

My sleepover with one of my best friends was awesome. I forgot how good it felt to laugh so hard that your sides ache and tears are running down your face. Very refreshing. It's such a wonderful feeling knowing that you can be completely ridiculous around someone because they're just as weird as you. :)

laughter is
one of the best feelings in the world.

July 6, 2010

Hey God.
I miss you. Can we hang out? Like all the time? :) Sometimes I can totally feel you. But right now, I feel like I have to try so hard to remember what you're like. I'm not complaining. At least I'm not trying to. And I am so grateful for all the greatness you have shown me. I am a little scared, though. I know life won't always bee this good. Trials are a comin'. I know that. Please give me the strength to come out victorious. I suppose I wasn't given my name for nothing. double negative... :( I know you are faithful and always will be.

God, I don't really know what you want with my life. I place my future in your hands. What you ask I will do. I have all these dreams and big ideas of what I would like to do. I know you give dreams for a reason, but how big is too big to dream? Everything is in your timing, my life in your hands.

God, bring me back to a place of surrender, of a need for you. I try to get by without you. The really upsetting thing is that I don't even realize it. I want you to be a part of everything I do, of every action of my day.

Thank you for creative outlets that you've given me. songwriting, piano, dance, guitar, knitting, writing, and blogging. Please show me ways to use my talents for your glory. It's all about letting others come to know you and your love. I want to share that love but I don't always know how. Help me.
I need your help everyday.
Become real and personal again.
Speak to me through your holy word.
I love you.

Victoria Audrey

Summer 2010 To-Do-List

-make an altered book
(pages from an altered book I did this Spring)
-read a book (or more than 1)
-finish reading the New Testament
-learn more piano chords
-memorize how to play songs on guitar and piano
-write a song
-take pictures one whole day, wherever I go
-listen completely to at least 1 conversation, no distractions
-have a sleepover
-knit a headband
-blog at least once, every 2 weeks

So this seems like quite the list, especially with only a couple months of summer left. Maybe it will become a year-long list :) I would be happy even if I did just one of these on my list. I think making lists helps me get motivated to do something. It helps push me to try something new and fun and hopefully get something out of the process.

Yesterday was the 4th of July. We had some visiting family over for fireworks. Some of us cousins got an old blanket and laid out under the stars. It was so beautiful. The stars were so brilliant, they looked close enough to grasp. I don't remember the last time the stars shone so bright, or the last time I even took the time to enjoy their beauty and mystery. It's really strange how some stars that we see today don't even exist anymore, it's just their light that we see. how sad that not everybody can enjoy the stars like I can. One of those advantages to living in the country, I suppose.

I should go outside more often.

And get lost in the stars.

June 17, 2010

Today I was a tourist in my own hometown.
I had an hour to spend between things and I wasn't really sure what I sure do for that time. I was driving over to the library to maybe find a book when I passed by my dance studio. And I just had to pull over. I don't know why, but seeing the sign for my dance studio just made me stop and want do something different than my comfort of the public library.

So with my hour to spare, I decided how often do I walk around downtown and just "experience" what it has to offer? To be honest, I felt pretty silly. Here I was, walking down the not-so-busy main street with my camera out, taking pictures of things I see almost every day, and yet have never really stopped to observe. Some people drove by and looked over at me. Hey, it's a small town of 18,000. I probably knew some people driving by. I felt kind of funny.. but at the same time, who cared? I even went to a couple places that I'd never been to before. And I probably never would have, if I didn't have the challenge of doing something outside of my comfort zone.

It was fun. Just poking around- laughing to myself when I found some old Disney CD's at a bargain store, knowing that I would've bought them if I'd had some money with me-enjoying the sunny day-taking time to notice everyday places.

When was the last time you stopped to enjoy the normal things in life? Do it today. You might even have fun :)

June 3, 2010

Honesty, Insecurities and Lightning

If there's one thing I want to do throughout this blog, is be honest. And that's something I really struggle with. I have no problem being honest-on the surface level. I don't know how to really share with others what I'm thinking, feeling, going through. So I guess all I'm saying is that this blog will be a challenge for myself, to be more honest. with myself. with friends. with God. honesty

Our youth group worship team has the opportunity to play at our bible camp in the black hills. I've been looking forward to this ever since I found out, which was just a week ago. I'm playing guitar, my youth pastor is leading on her keyboard, her husband playing drums, my friend is singing and her brother is playing bass. I normally sing too, but was just asked to play guitar so I can focus on that. Sometimes I struggle singing and playing at the same time ;) Some students from another church are also playing with us so we have an electric guitar, guy singer and 2 other girl singers.

Tonight we had practice for that. I was really excited. I love being involved in worship. Our youth worship team drove to the other church so we could practice together. The set up of where everyone stands is different than what it is at our church, so I was off on one side of the stage. I kind of felt by myself. I guess I haven't felt that way in a while. Everyone seemed to be laughing, having fun. And for some reason, I felt I didn't fit in. I don't like that feeling. I suppose no one really does... I feel I've had enough past experience in this. I also felt insecure in my guitar playing abilities. Everyone else seemed to be rockin their instruments/voices, and I felt just average. I know I'm not fabulous at guitar, but I didn't even feel very talented. Like should I even be on the worship team? Shouldn't it be for more gifted people? Why am I not more talented? I'm glad I'm not singing, too, because I would feel like an even worse singer after hearing the other people sing tonight. insecurities

Tonight there was lightning as I was driving home. So beautiful! I remember one time when I was younger and was coming home when a lightning show was everywhere. I remember being enthralled in the bright and poweful lightning. I still feel that way. Lightning is beautiful to watch and also surprising, because you don't know where it will stike next, how big it will be, or how far away. I even pulled over to watch the storm for about 10 minutes. lightning

How all three of these topics relate, I don't know. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. I'll let you decide.

June 2, 2010

"Choice is the only thing we're given."

That is a line from the following song. It has stuck out to me every time I have listened to this song lately.

I really do believe that the only thing we are given in life is our ability to make our own decisions, our choices. No matter what we are given in life or lack of it, we will always have the ability to make our own choices. Even our own dreams and goals are made from choices we have made. And those are things that no one can take away from us.

They can also be affecting in positive and negative ways. One choice to reach out to a stuggling friend can be very positive. Choosing to look the other way when someone obviously needs help would not. Our choices affect our future. There are some things in life that we cannot control. But we always have to option to choose how we deal with the situations we are given. Our choices we make today help decide our tomorrow, our future years.

What choices are you making?

-positive or negative? lasting or forgotten?

Broken from the Start by Jon Foreman
Life is a gift like fresh cut roses
Cut from the branch and brought inside
It’s a slow contradiction that’s beauty in a vase
When the cords are cut that’s when we start to die

Lately death and life get so confusing
I can’t tell the difference here tonight
Lately every breath feels like I’m kissing death
And when time is dead I cease to be alive

If you hide yourself deep inside, deep inside
In time you’ve got nothing left to hide
There’s nothing left inside
Tonight, honey I am gonna break your heart
Mine was broken from the start, broken from the start

Choice is the only thing we’re given
For one will live, another dies
One road says hello the other says goodbye
And the roads that you don’t choose begin to die

They won’t pay a cent to hear you laughing
They might pay a little to hear you cry
If you do it long enough they might even pay attention
But they still won’t pay respect until you die

Today I'm thankful for...

*lip balm
*the sunshine
*purple nail polish
*strawberry smoothies
*personal e-mails

May 29, 2010

Omaha Highlights:

walking around the Old Market (downtown)

going to the Omaha Zoo
Favorites: seeing a lady get her finger bit by a little monkey because she stuck her finger right beside it- cat exhibit- aquarium with sharks and sting rays- Imax theatre

eating at Spaghetti Works and getting a cross balloon and penguin balloon made by a balloon lady who walks around the restaurant making balloons

finding a spot on the street and pulling out my guitar and singing with the girls, while the guys talked and prayed with people walking by
When we started walking around in the Old market, we saw a bunch of black Gospel singers-which was so cool. Really, they gave me goosebumps. We had fun joining in with the clapping and singing. Man, some people sure can sing. It just amazes me how talented some people are.

So after getting pumped up from watching the Gospel singers, we found our own little spot on the street and pulled out some worship songs. We tried to have my guitar case open so people could put money in it, but it closed right as we started singing, "I am free." It was about that time I realized that this experience was not about getting money for our misison trip, or singing to look cool. It was about worship. It was something more than ourselves. As our hearts praised God and sang out to him, things happened. Small things, but still things. The guys were able to pray with people- in downtown omaha- on the sidewalk. How awesome is that? One guy who had been watching from a restaurant patio right next to us asked the guys," What are you guys doing?" My youth pastor's husband was able to talk with him and pray with the guy and his girlfriend.

Just knowing that because we were obeying God and engaging our hearts with him, we were able to minister to others. Maybe other people were touched by our praise. I might never even know. It makes my mind go off in different directions, just wondering how many people God might have touched that night because of us-Because of our desire to reach out.

May 28, 2010

I'm going to Omaha, Nebraska today.
I'm pretty excited.
It's my youth pastor and her husband, my friend and her boyfriend and I going. It'll just be a fun trip, just hanging out and going to the zoo.

My friend and I are going to bring our guitars. We're hoping to maybe play out on the street downtown, have our guitar cases open and play some songs. Maybe even make a couple bucks, which could go toward our mission trip to Galvestine, TX. :)

I'm pretty much all ready, bag packed... now if I could only find my camera.

May 26, 2010

summer descriptions...

the air is fresh.
the birds sing their songs.

the sun invites us outside to enjoy the rays.

sleep takes over my morning.

the beautiful flowers compel me to take away the weeds stealing their water.

the smell of freshly cut grass fills my nose.

the air blowing my hair as I drive with the windows down.

the joys of summer...

May 24, 2010

Hi, my name is Hannah...commonly known as Banana :) As of late, I have turned into a professional that, I mean to say that I helped Victoria set up her blog. So, if you don't like it, it's definitely my fault...oops. Well, I just wanted to welcome you to Victoria's beautiful blog where you will learn about her happenings and have a chance to communicate with her...enjoy :)